July 19, 2012

In 30 years we're gonna look back at this and...

...not see our ridiculous haircuts, the by then painfully outdated clothes, gestures that don't relate to comtemporary life anymore, won't have to explain why we briefly dated that person and above all: we won't wonder what blur of a band that is on stage.

We'll have this:

We can get this out of the shelf and wholeheartedly say: I might 

not be in the picture, but this is where I was, that is what I
loved and "here, have a look! this is what it felt like!" All the 
bands and places and situations that we saw with our own eyes or 
for some stupid reason missed out on. We'll reach in the inside of 
the cover and put on the music compilation that came with it.

And then we can skip to the credits of the book and prove we 
knew back then that we would want to have this in 30 years. 

This is an emotional pension plan, so skip a payment and pump 
some money in this beauty to make it happen! First step: klick on
the picture below!*

*text applies only to you if you have enjoyed alternative rock 
music nightlife in Berlin between 2006 and 2011 thanks to 
Deerhunter, Sonic Youth, Lower Dens, Tortoise, Future Islands,
Stephen Malkmus, Les Savy Fav, R.E.M., Mudhoney, Times 
New Viking, Sea And Cake, Kurt Vile, Dinosaur Jr., Bear in 
Heaven, Lambchop, Dirty Projectors, Calexico, Fleet Foxes, 
Caribou, Mogwai, Deerhoof, Chris Corsano and more or if you 
wish to give that impression, even if only in 30 years.